Friday, May 4, 2012

Keukenhof with Desi

Desi came to visit us. We drove through the tulip fields on the way to Kuekenhof.

Sister Everton walked out to this fields to take this picture of a farmer and his two kids running this machine to cut the tulip flower off the plants so the bulbs will be stronger.

Desi by the orchids.

Desi said that there was someone behind us with a BYU sweater on. I turned and saw the man and said tjonge jonge (chong a jong a) which means WOW in Nederlands. This is Roy Ward who was in my LTM (MTC) group in 1972. We hugged. I shead some tears. Last time I saw him was at a BYU football game when ben was maybe 8. The week before we got a call from another Elder from our LTM group who met our missionaires at Keukenhof. It is a magical place.

I blew this photo. You should be able to see the full reflection of Desi and Sister Everton in the water. They are still beautiful.

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